Episode 11: Ferreri's Libelous Attack on MP Han Dong
Guest article written by Peterborough Constituent Mary R., as posted on Facebook: This will be the most important, & hopefully the most impactful post I make on my social media platforms. This post MUST be shared with every constituent in MP Ferreri’s riding to show, not only how unfit she is, but how dangerous she is. She must not be re-elected. After today’s Hogue Inquiry & Foreign Interference news, my MP Michelle Ferreri should be forced to publicly apologize & step down. I have been following this closely & finally, after close to 2 years, today’s Foreign Interference Report fully exonerates MP Han Dong, who was relentlessly harassed & attacked by Poilievre & his MPs, especially my MP Michelle Ferreri. Here she is in her role as Federal representative of all Peterborough constituents, speaking in the House of Commons: The headline of a story published early in 2023 reads: "Liberal MP Han Dong secretly advised Chinese diplomat in 2021 to delay free...